4 Mar 2011


Recycling with no doubts is a good thing and we all should contribute to environment protection. That's why I always try to use one paper twice and if it's possible even three times :) And I always try to use something what is at a hand for our arts & crafts. This time we were making some mobiles from plastic bottles.

I just cut the bottle in different sizes rain drops and hanged them in a circle. My friend Fredi as always tried to make this craft look as a real piece of art. 
I really like the colour of these plastic bottles, so I was trying to make a nice blue cell for traditional Japanese crane. One kid asked me if we going to learn this bird to speak or sing! :)

Using plastic bottles can be great fun, especially if you have different colours. But its better prepare the shapes for kids if you planing to make mobile as it takes some time and it's not really easy to cut plastic. With kids we were using pieces of colour straws to make our "rain mobiles" more colourful as there was a rainbow after nice summer rain. Experimenting is fun!

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